Privacy Policy
This site uses cookies (small files stored on your device) to let the comment plugin Disqus remember that you are logged in, and to report anonymous usage statistics via Google Analytics.
Should you wish to opt out of having cookies placed on your device you can disable cookies in your browser settings. If you don’t know how to do this, full instructions can be found online if you search for how to disable cookies in <browsername>. You can also control the data Google has collected on you via
I, Gardamuse, certainly care about data privacy and I would not have unnecessary data collected, especially as this is a site that you might want to browse discretely. Yet I find the cookie policy notice very annoying, both as a consumer and a producer. The pop-up is both obtrusive for the user, and seems ineffective at actually protecting your data, but I am required by EU law to show it. Much better would be if browsers automatically allowed or disallowed cookies, depending on user preferences, supported by a simple invisible html tag containing cookie information on each page, but I digress. If you have any questions, you may contact me via [email protected].